Evangelic-Lutheran Church
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History of church

In the picturesque part of Ufa near the Yakutov park there is an Evangelic- Lutheran Church. It was built for the money of Mrs. Feck and presented by her to the parish.Kind of church before revolution On the 21-st of January 1910 the church was examined by the governor of Ufa A. S. Klucharev and on the Sunday of the 31-st of January it was sanctified to function.

The ceremony was performed by the pastor from Samara Engelhard. Pastor Johann Nedel was the dean of the parish since 1910 till 1917 and after his death in 1937 he was buried in the graveyard of the church.

The divine service was performed in the German, Latvian and Estonic languages as the parishers were mostly from Germany and the Baltic Sea countries.

The building of the Lutheran Temple came to be in harmony with the architecture of Ufa of the beginning of the past century. Possessing decorative elements characteristic of European architecture of preroman and Roman periods it enriched the architectural variety of Ufa.

On the 31-st of December 1927 the Church Council made an agreement with the town administration to use the building for ever and free of charge.

But in July of 1930 the agreement was canceled and the building was passed to the Ufa engine-repair works. After that the church was reconstructed many times and it was used as a warehouse till 2000.

The church community came to life in February 2000. It was based on elderly Christians who managed to preserve the traditions of the Lutheran faith. There was elected the church council headed by Vladimir Melnikov. The community gathered in different places for its first divine services. It was so till August 2000 when according to the order of the government of the Republic of Bashkortostan the building of the church was returned to the Evangelic-Lutheran community of Ufa. Gradually the parishers were making themselves at home carrying out subbotniks and putting everything into order.

On the 10-th of March 2001, the day of the first anniversary of the revival of the Ufa Lutheran community with assistance of the deputy bishop of the Evangelic-Lutheran Church of the European part of Russia Dietrich Hallman, one of the first Prediger Heinrich Minich was announced the preacher.

In the period of the revival of the community great was pastor Peter Lohman`s assistance who preached in Bashkiria from September 2000 till the end of February 2001.

During divine services and confirmation studies conducted by Pastor Peter Lohman the parishers learned the ABC of Christianity. Great was the help to the church rendered by Erzbishof Dr. Georg Kretchmar, Bishof Siegfried Springer, Pastor Gottfried Spieth, Propst Peter Urie, Prediger Sergey Holzwert.

Owing to the charity (gifts) for the renewal of the temple and its own activity the church managed to repair a hall for divine services, a pastor’s room and a study-room for youngsters to shave bible lessons, to organize lectures, seminars, watching video films.

The deacon group of the community helps to supply the elderly parishers with medicine attends them at home and hospitals. The department for public relations and editorial-publishing activities of Evangelic-Lutheran Church in St. Petersburg renders help in teaching the members of the community at seminars and in computerization.

The community cooperates with the cultural-educational Union of the Germans of the Republic of Bashkortostan "Wiedergeburt" in various Kinds of work.

Our church is situated in one of the most beautiful regions of Russia — the Republic of Bashkortostan at the boundary of Europe and Asia.

The outline of Bashkiria resembles a human heart. The republic is inhabited by over 4 ml people of more than one hundred nationalities.

The capital of Bashkortostan is Ufa with the population of 1,1 ml people.

The rich history of the Republic is connected with many outstanding people.

Bashkiria is the motherland of the writer S.T.Aksakov, painter M.V.Nesterov, balet-dancer Rudolf Nureev, the Bashkir poet Mustai Karim. The world-known singer Feodor Shalapin began his professional career in Ufa.

People of different religions find ample space under the sky of Bashkiria, where for hundred years there have coexisted dozens of peoples, languages and cultures, enriching each other.

The Evangelic-Lutheran Church has become spiritual home for Germans, Russians, Bashkirs, Tatars, Maris etc.

At present owing to reconstruction of many cult buildings` Ufa is growing more beautiful and attractive.

We hope that the restoration of the Evangelic-Lutheran Temple will contribute to the architectural beauty of Ufa.

The Evangelic-Lutheran Community of Ufa is grateful of the government of Republic of Bashkortostan and to the authorities of the Evangelic-Lutheran Church for responsiveness and understanding owing to which it became possible to renew divine services in the historic building of the church.

The special gratitude is expressed to the eparchy of the Evangelic-Lutheran Church of European part of Russia for spiritual support, methodic help and donations for the restoration of the Temple.

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